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2016/5/23 15:11:47   来源:www.hzpzs.net  阅读数:

【Beauty Party】Exclusive Agenda and Speakers for the International Beauty and Cosmetics Industry Convention (BeaCos)






June 16th to June 17th 2016, the International Beauty and Cosmetics Industry Convention (BeaCos) will be hold by BeaCos Team in a Super Five Star Hotel - JW Marriott Hotel Shanghai. BeaCos is committed to use this platform to in-depth analysis industrial development trends and bottlenecks in the process of development. Leads brands to innovate and maintain under existing regulation system. BeaCos bases on the global top 100 brands, guides and leads application of the current regulatory system of high-end Brand Companies to break through the whole


industry chain solutions.


Naturalistic Cosmetics, same intergradient which be used in Foods and Cosmetics, Category Innovation, Formulation Technology, SPSS, Microbial Control, Innovation Testing Methods, Digital Anti-counterfeit, Visual Recognition, Sustainable Development, Intelligence Manufacturing, Internet of Things, Innovation Design, 3D Printing, Service Robot, Wearable Technology, Industrial Design, Lean Manufacture, Innovation Channels, Web Celebrity Creative, Inbound Marketing are all key words for this convention.


We are looking forward with your participation!


参会人群 / Attendants




This convention attracts around top 150 strong Beauty and Cosmetics brand’ regulation, testing, marketing, packaging, research and development, manufacturing responsible people and high quality retailers (raw material suppliers and traders, quarantine inspection agencies, labels and verification companies, packaging design/material/equipment suppliers, manufacturing equipment suppliers and marketing channel partners and so on). We expected around 300-500 guests will attend in this convention.


会议议程 / Agenda


1. 部分话题提前曝光 / First Exposure of Part of Topics



2. 部分会议演讲嘉宾 / Parts of Speakers



发言嘉宾 Speakers



合作媒体 / Media Cooperation



会议门票 / Registration Fee



联系方式 / CONTACT


深度合作/ In-depth Cooperation:(+86)021-6140 3767

媒体合作/Media Cooperation:(+86)021-6140 8950

参会或赞助/Sponsorship & Registration Cooperation:

(+86)021-6140 3695 or (+86)021-6140 3763

详情请咨询/More details please contact us through:beacos@niecgroup.com

大会官网/Official Website: www.thebeacos.com







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