中国发型师节——第43届广东国际美博会2015-8-7 15:33:6 来源 阅读数:
时间:9月4-6日 Time: Sep. 4-6
地点:广州琶洲展馆南丰国际会展中心 Address: Nan Fung International Convention & Exhibition Centre of Pazhou Exhibition Hall in Guangzhou
活动包括时尚发型发布及中国养发论坛,邀请了众多知名机构以T台秀与演讲和论坛的形式展现发丝魅力,让您了解到最新的时尚发型潮流和养发护发咨询。 Activities include Fashion Hairstyle Release and China Hair Care Forum and many famous institutions are invited to show hairline charm in the form of T-stage show, lecture and forum so that you can understand the newest stylish hairstyle and consult for hair care.
活动咨询:15802034720 陈莹小姐