广州市仪漾美化妆品有限公司,是集肤品研发、生产、销售为一体的综合型高科技企业,旗下品牌拥有仪漾美洗颜大师系列、植物标本原液系列[PARIYUNSOO芭黎元素]法国高端护肤品牌,产品与服务领域跨越美发、香水、彩妆、护肤品、生物类原液、化妆品等业务。芭黎元素承负盛名却不骄不躁,公司经营始终秉承着"专业、的护肤服务理念,致力成为东方女性的私人护肤顾问",无畏于打造国内外高端产品的路途艰辛,潜心于护肤品研发领域的技术探索,笃志为每一位女性打造专业、、有效的护肤产品,为女性朋友缔造一个美丽的护肤神话! Miriam Yang Guangzhou Cosmetics Co., Ltd., is a skin product development, production and sales of integrated high-tech enterprise, the US brand has Miriam Yang Washing Masters Series, herbarium dope series [PARIYUNSOO Bali element] French-end skin care brands, products and services across the hair, perfume, cosmetics, skincare, biology dope, cosmetics and other services. Bali element bearing prestigious but mindful company always uphold the "professional, safe skin care service philosophy to become a private Asian women skin care consultant", fearless in the top-end products at home and abroad to build the road hard, concentrated on technology research and development in the field of exploration of skincare, Atsushi for every woman to create a professional, safe and effective skin care products for female friends to create the myth of a beautiful skin!