企业经济性质: 私营企业 | 经营模式 : 生产型 | 法人代表 : 陈参武 | 经营范围: 专业生产洗发水,沐浴露,膏霜,护发产品,儿童洗护产品等日化产品 | 注册资金: 500000 | 员工人数 : 200-500人 |
广州市丽清堂化妆品有限公司,是一家集研发、生产、销售为一体的综合性、国际化的集团公司,为现代化的大型日化及专业美容用品的生产企业。 公司通过采用国际先进技术及全自动无菌生产线,重点开发高科技含量、高针对性、高专业性、功效显著产品,涉及祛斑、祛痘、美白等专业护肤领域。在化妆品代加工(OEM)行业有一定的知名度和美誉度. 作为业内大型的专业个人护理化妆品加工厂,我们确保加工效率和产品质量。目前我司产品80%出口国外, 公司主要销售市场为:欧洲、中东(迪拜,沙特)、东南亚、南美洲以及非洲等国家和地区;产品性价比高,是多家进出口公司的OEM货源基地。 公司目前还在持续不断地研发新配方、新材料、以进一步美化产品,为使优质化妆品惠及全世界所有家庭而竭诚努力。 2009年,我司韩国护肤品左右时间进入中国市场,左右时间每一个品种均经过精心研制,并通过多重检验,生产工艺严谨科学,经过七层净化、无菌生产,真空灌装,确保产品质量同行业,产品保湿、抗皱、美白、祛痘、防敏等系列产品在行业内口碑很好,备受各美容院和消费者的青睬和推崇,依靠其高品质以及性赢得了客户及顾客的肯定。 2009年,公司研发团队研发了宝童专业婴幼儿护理系列,该产品提取了本地新鲜水果精华,富含维生素C,E等多种有益于儿童健康发育的营养成份,旨在呵护儿童健康。产品以,温和的品质滋润儿童皮肤,让宝宝在无刺激中享受洗浴。 Guangzhou Liqingtang cosmetic Co., Ltd is located in the beautiful city which called Guangzhou that belongs to famous travel city in China .It’s a research, production and sales of large-scale integrated commodity producers. Our company using international advanced technology and automatic aseptic production line , Mainly develops high-tech, high-specific, high professionalism, efficiency significantly products. Contains anti-spot, anti-acne, whitening and so on. Is a famous cosmetic OEM brand in this industry, as a large-scale personal care cosmetics factory, we make sure the work efficiency and the quality of work. So far 80% of products in our company export to abroad ,,the main sale markets are : Europe, Mid-East ( Dubai, Saudi Arabia ), South-eat Asia, South America and Africa . Products are cost-effective , is the some of trading 。 In 2009,Baotong infant care series were developed. It has withdrawn the local fresh fruit essence, Contains Vitamin C, E and many kinds of nutrition ingredient to be beneficial richly in the child health growth。It was for the purpose of protecting the child health Omni-directionally. The product by pure natural, the temperate quality moistens the child skin, lets babies enjoy taking bath. |